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$0 Down vs. Purchase

The decision between going solar for $0 down with a PPA/solar lease or purchasing your solar panel system can be a difficult one. Luckily, with Solar Energy World, you’ll save either way! Read on below to decide what options works best for you.

$0 Down PPA/Solar Lease

Our Zero-Down Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA), makes it possible for you to pay $0 up front costs for solar panels and installation. With approved credit, you can have a solar power system installed and start paying at least 20% less than your current monthly electric bill.

How it Works: we install solar panels on your roof or property at no cost to you and then sell you the electricity it produces at a locked in rate that is lower than what your utility company charges you. Your obligation is to pay only for the electricity generated by the panels.

Solar System Purchase

If you decide to purchase a solar panel system you start saving on energy costs as soon as the solar panel system is operational. But you may have an upfront investment. We’ll review the numbers based on the size of your home and system. On average, solar homes generate a 125% return on investment within 5-7 years. By year 20, homeowners can expect to achieve a 500% return on investment.

How it Works: We will go over all the details about your solar panel system, including cost and power generation. Then we take care of everything to get it up and running. You will generate the power that you use in your home. When you generate excess energy, you can sell that back to the grid.

Is Purchase Affordable?

It’s a lot less difficult to purchase a solar panel system than many people think. Buying a solar system is similar to purchasing a car.

Most people do not pay cash for a car and most people do not pay cash for a solar system. There are many financing options, including an option where a customer can own the solar panel system for $0 down and just have low monthly payments. It is also possible to be cash flow positive on day one. Most things you purchase depreciate in value after time. A car’s value decreases as soon as you drive it off the lot. A solar electric system’s value actually increases over time.

Quality is Our Only Choice

Regardless of whether you purchase, lease or sign up for our RateGuardian PPA, you will receive the same superior solar panel service and support. Our work is always guaranteed and we are here to support you moving forward. Our financial options make solar power available to every homeowner in the region.

See the Benefits, and Choose What’s Best for You!

Pay $0 for Electricity
Make Money Off Excess Power Generated
Phenomenal ROI
Financing Available
Pay $0 for Equipment/Installation
Lower your Utility Bill by 20-30%
Start Saving Money Right Away

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