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Live Monitoring

When we install your solar panel system it includes a monitoring service so you can see how much power you are generating in real time. You can log in to a web page to view your system online from anywhere.

Actual Customer Live Monitoring of Their System

The short video below is an actual Solar Energy World customer’s monitoring service. You can see how much electricity has been generated by Day, Week, Month, Year or over the life of the system. You can run a number of different reports as well. We also monitor your system at Solar Energy World so often we know before you do, if there is a need for service.

For more details on our products, click here.

While other companies charge for live monitoring services we do not. All Solar Energy World solar panel systems come with live monitoring so you can track your energy generation, usage and most importantly how much money you are saving every single month.

When we install your solar panel system it includes a monitoring service so you can see how much power you are generating in real time. Just log in to view your system online from anywhere.

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